Zoning Code Update Hearings
- August 4, 2014: Monday, 3:00 p.m. - Board Chambers
Draft Land Use Map
The Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission held two joint workshops in March 2011 to discuss the land use map alternatives. Based on input received from the Board, Planning Commission, Steering Committee, and the public, the Draft Land Use Map was created.
Composite Land Use Map Alternative (March 2011)
Following the meetings with the Steering Committee, a Composite Land Use Map Alternative was developed. This land use map alternative combines suggestions from both of the Steering Committee maps and take into account comments received from the Steering Committee, Planning Commissioners, Board members, and members of the public.
Composite Land Use Map Alternative
Steering Committee Land Use Map Recommendations (February 2011)
The Steering Committee provided input on the Planning Commission land use map recommendations and the land use change requests received by the public. As a result of Steering Committee input, two land use map alternatives were created.
Steering Committee Land Use Map Recommendation A
Steering Committee Land Use Map Recommendation B
Steering Committee Land Use Recommendations - Community Comparison
Planning Commission Land Use Map Alternative (June 2010)
The Planning Commission reviewed the Issues and Opportunities Report and selected Alternative 1, Economic Development, as the generally preferred land use map. The Planning Commisison provided input and edits to the map which were used to create the Planning Commission Land Use Alternative Map.
Issues and Opportunities Report Land Use Map Alternative (May 2010)
Over 25 maps were created through the Visioning Workshop process. Extensive citizen input
was received. The Visioning Workshop maps were used to create the 3 Land Use Alternatives Maps, which
were presented in the Issues and Opportunities Report.